Cross Culture Work presenta en el congreso SIETAR Argentina 2015

Por segunda vez, SIETAR Argentina organizó el Congreso de Desarrollo Intercultural que tuvo lugar en la Universidad de San Andrés en Buenos Aires. Cross Culture Work participó con una presentación y un taller sobre el Trabajo Intercultural. El congreso, con el tema “El poder de la interculturalidad, enfrentado desafíos en un mundo diverso” recibió oradores…



The kind funder of my Ph.D. research, Next Generation Infrastructures, is hosting a competition for the best Ph.D. study of the year. As you might guess, I want my study on cross-cultural collaboration in the Panama Canal Expansion Program to win.In a 60sec. video I explain why this study deserves the INFRA SPARK AWARD. Check…


Cultural change program Escuela Superior de Administración Publica – Colombia

Last week I had the opportunity to work with the Management Team and Regional Directors of ESAP, the school for Public Administration in Colombia. The entire project, titled V-ESAP (Virtualization ESAP), is dedicated to enhance the academic program with virtual education. Besides the academic component, the project also contains a management component. And as part…
