
As pesquisas de Karen envolvem relacionamentos e processos internos e entre as empresas. Seus principais interesses são colaboração, cultura e comportamento. A maneira como as pessoas entendem a complexidade cultural de suas atividades diárias é o principal interesse de seu trabalho acadêmico. Durante seu Ph.D., Karen apresentou seu estudo em diferentes conferências internacionais, ministrou diversos cursos acadêmicos e orientou vários projetos de mestrado. Atualmente, Karen trabalha como pesquisadora e assessora na região da América Latina, auxiliando membros de empresas a desenvolverem sua colaboração intercultural, mudança organizacional e iniciativas de crescimento. Karen também foi contratada para pesquisas que visam destrinchar as experiências dos colaboradores e as diferentes lições aprendidas.

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Artigos acadêmicos
  • Van Marrewijk, A., Ybema, S., Smits, K., Pitsis, T., Clegg, S. (in review) Clash of the Titans: Temporary Organizing and Collaborative Dynamics in the Panama Canal Megaproject.Van Marrewijk, A. and Smits, K. (2014) Projectscapes: the role of spatial settings in managing complex megaprojects. International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp 278-292.
  • Smits, K. and Van Marrewijk, A. (2012) Chaperoning: Practices of Collaboration in the Panama Canal Expansion Program. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. Vol. 5, Iss. 3, pp. 440-456.
  • Smits, K., Van Marrewijk, A., & Veenswijk, M. (2015). The Collabyrinth of Cross-cultural Collaboration in the Panama Canal Megaproject. In A. Van Marrewijk (Ed.), Inside Megaprojects: Understanding the Cultural Practices in Project Management (pp. 103-136). Copenhagen: CBS Press.
  • Roessingh, C. and Smits, K. (2010) Social Capital and Mennonite Entrepreneurship: the case of Circle R in Blue Creek, Northern Belize. International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, Vol. 2, pp. 22-35.
Livros e capítulos de livros
  • Smits, K. Van Marrewijk, A and Veenswijk, M (2015) Inside the Panama Canal Expansion Program: A Collabyrinth. In: Inside Mega Projects: Understanding Cultural Practices. Copenhagen, Denmark: Liber & Copenhagen Business School Press.
  • Smits, K. (2013) Cross Culture Work: Practices of Collaboration in the Panama Canal Expansion Program. Delft, Netherlands: Next Generation Infrastructures.
  • Smits, K. Van Marrewijk, A and Veenswijk, M (forthcoming) Inside the Panama Canal Expansion Program: A Collabyrinth. In: Inside Mega Projects: Understanding Cultural Practices.
  • Roessingh, C. and Smits, K. (2010) Mennonite Entrepreneurship in Belize. In: Entrepreneurship and Religion. Edited by L.P. Dana, pp. 226-248. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar
  • Smits, K., Nabben, B. and Kok, A. (2009) Changing borders in Blue Creek. In: Between Horse & Buggy and Four-Wheel Drive: Change and Diversity among Mennonite Settlements in Belize, Central America. Edited by C. Roessingh and T. Plasil, pp 73-96. Amsterdam, The Netherlands; VU University Press.
Publicações profissionais
  • Smits, K (2014) Chaperoning: Collaboration between the Panama Canal Authority and CH2M Hill in the Panama Canal Expansion Program. Hydrolink, 2014, Vol. 1, pp 19-22.
  • Smits, K. (2014) Summary of the Study “Cross Culture Work: Practices of Collaboration in the Panama Canal Expansion Program”. 100 Years of the Panama Canal: Celebrating the Centennial 1914-2014, pp 114-115.
  • Smits, K. (2013) The Intercultural Project Organization: A Collabyrinth. Newsletter PMI Netherlands Chapter, July 2013, pp. 6. The Netherlands.
Trabalhos em conferências
  • Van Marrewijk, A. and Smits, K. (2014) Understanding Cultural Practices of Governing Mega-Projects: the case of the Panama Canal Expansion Program. Paper presented at the 28th IPMA World Congress, Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Van Marrewijk, A., Ybema, S., Smits, K., Pitsis, T., Clegg, S. (2014) Dividing two continents: Responses to Unexpected Roles in the Panama Canal Mega-Project. Paper for the 30th EGOS Colloquium, July 3-5, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Smits, K. and Van Marrewijk, A. (2013) Cross Cultural Collaboration in the Panama Canal Expansion Program: A Collabyrinth. Paper for the 29th EGOS Colloquium, July 4-6, Montreal, Canada.
  • Smits, K. and Van Marrewijk, A. (2012) Collaboration in the Panama Canal Expansion Program: Diminishing Practices. Paper presented at the 12th EURAM Conference, June 6-8, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Smits, K. and Van Marrewijk, A. (2012) Practices of Collaboration in the Panama Canal Expansion Program: Finding Common Ground. Paper presented at the 28th EGOS Colloquium, July 5-7, Helsinki, Finland
  • Smits, K and Van Marrewijk, A. (2012) Projects as Practice: Collaboration in the Panama Canal Expansion Program. Paper presented at the 6th Making Projects Critical Workshop, April 16-17, Manchester, United Kingdom
  • Smits, K. (2011) Collaboration in Infrastructural Mega Projects: Cultural Interfaces in the Panama Canal Expansion Program. Paper presented at the 7th International Critical Management Studies Conference, July 11-13, Naples, Italy.
  • Smits, K. (2011) Collaboration in Infrastructural Mega Projects: Cultural Interfaces in the Panama Canal Expansion Program. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Conference Multi-Organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks, July 4-6, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • Smits, K. (2011) Collaboration in Infrastructural Projects; Cultural Interfaces in the Panama Canal Expansion Program. Paper presented at the 11th EURAM Conference and at the Doctoral Colloquium, May 31- June 4, Tallinn, Estonia.
  • Smits, K. (2010) Transforming Public Values to Daily Practices in the Panama Canal Expansion Program. Paper presented at the 3rd LAEMOS Meeting, April 7-10, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Smits, K. and Van Marrewijk, A. (2009) No Man Is an Island: Collaboration in the Panama Canal Expansion Program. Paper presented at the 13th APROS Conference, December 6-9, Monterrey, Mexico.
  • Smits, K. (2008) Collaboration in Infrastructure Projects. Poster presented at Fresh Perspectives PhD Conference, September 2008, VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.