On May28th I had the opportunity to present at TEDxPuntaPailtilla in Panama. This might sound as if this was another presentation in the line, but it’s not. Speaking at TEDx is truly a different experience. First of all, it’s this well-known event where people can share there ideas. Hence their slogan “Ideas worth spreading”. Second, in this new world of learning, one can freely decide upon the idea she wants to present. And third, the video will go viral. Online. Out in the open.
That’s all very exciting. And nerve-wrecking at the same time. On top of that, you are given a maximum of 18 minutes to deliver the talk. Eighteen minutes for a talk that should be inspiring, funny, interesting, personal, and, most important, stick to people’s mind. Quite a challenge.
I did not take me long to decide what message I wanted to bring across: culture needs to be high on the organizational agenda. After my studies at VU University and my Ph.D. research on cross-cultural collaboration in the Panama Canal Expansion Program I’m convinced that if culture receives serious attention in collaborative relationships, the outcomes of these relations will be more fruitful. To portray that message in a TED-like manner, I found support from Great Communicators in Amsterdam, and I practiced the presentation, over and over again. Whether my message came across is for you to decide, as soon as the video is online.
For now, I leave you with the wonderful media attention this event received. Last Friday, June 6 2014, Revista Ellas -a weekly magazine attached to La Prensa newspaper- published an interview with me.
Does my smile reveal how proud I am?
Furthermore, this 2nd TEDxPuntaPaitilla event was mentioned in the following:
As soon as the video goes viral, I’ll post it here too!
Stay tuned!